Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Children's Rights

I think every child should have equal rights like us but they do not have equal rights. All poor families should have an education. Every child should have medical care. Every child deserves a quality life.

We have been learning about the children of Kroo Bay. Kroo Bay is a slum community in Africa. I think that poor families should have stable houses. In Kroo Bay they just make their houses out of anything they find. When it floods their houses get flooded so they have to move out.

In Kroo Bay children die of malaria. When pigs eat rubbish and the next day a child comes and has to kill the pig and have it for dinner, the whole family gets sick. I think that every poor child needs medical care. I know that people in Kroo Bay can’t afford medicine.

Save the Children helps poor children in countries all over the world. I wish that I could buy a mosquito net. So please can you buy a mosquito net. Children really need one.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

How to Google a Mask

You need:
A computer,
Key words and phrases.

What to do.
Go to
Type in masks +”Sierra Leone”.
Then find the mask you want.
You click on the mask you want.
If you want it full size you click on Full Size Image. Full size is at the top.